Taro Tsuchiya

(email) ttsuchiy at cs.cmu.edu

Hello, welcome to my webpage! I am a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) School of Computer Science (SCS), studying Societal Computing at Software and Societal Systems (S3D). I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Nicolas Christin and work with his team at CyLab (Security and Privacy Institute). My primary research focuses on enhancing the safety, security, and privacy of financial transactions.  Specifically, my work delves into the detection and mitigation of online misconduct, including fraud, phishing, and denial-of-service attacks.  I mainly investigate two key areas: 1) the online platforms such as financial social media and digital marketplaces (WWW’23 and WWW’24), and 2) blockchain peer-to-peer networks (WWW’24). I am also a recipient of Nakajima Foundation Fellowship (2021-2023, 2023-2025) for my doctoral study.

Prior to CMU, I did my undergraduate in Japan at Keio University Faculty of Economics and enrolled in the selected all-English undergraduate program: PEARL (Program in Economics for Alliances, Research, and Leadership). I also studied in SOAS University of London for one term in 2017.

During my undergrad, two of my first author papers on market manipulation were presented at various conferences and published in an international peer-reviewed journal. I was also a research assistant at Cyber Civilization Research Center (CCRC), worked with Dr. David Farber and Dr. Cameron Freer, and helped build the new course with MIT Probabilistic Computing. I did a long-term internship at Mitsubishi UFJ Bank as an research intern.

Last but not least, I like dogs, rugby, and classical music.


May 13, 2024 Our papers Identifying Risky Vendors in Cryptocurrency P2P Marketplaces and Blockchain Censorship are accepted to Web Conference 2024 (WWW’24)! I will be in Singapore to present our papers.
Oct 3, 2023 I presented my poster at Cylab’s Partner’s Conference 2023
Aug 28, 2023 I am TA-ing for 17703 Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Applications Fall 2023!
Jun 1, 2023 Next two years of my Ph.D. study will continue to be supported by Nakajima Foundation!
May 28, 2023 I am honored to be a part of this paper! Blockchain Censorship is available on arXiv.

selected publications


  1. WWW’24
    Identifying Risky Vendors in Cryptocurrency P2P Marketplaces
    Taro TsuchiyaAlejandro Cuevas, and Nicolas Christin
    In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024, 2024


  1. WWW’23
    Misbehavior and Account Suspension in an Online Financial Communication Platform
    Taro TsuchiyaAlejandro CuevasThomas Magelinski, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 2023